The Christmas season is such a great and wonderful time. We have created a fun event that gets families together while bringing a message of transformation and love.
Grinchfast is a family focused event that centers around the movie “The Grinch” and breakfast. Even though this event uses breakfast foods, it does not have to be done in the morning. As families participate in the activities they will be reminded that God changes us for the better.
The Film

For the purposes of this guide we will be using Illumination’s version released in 2018 simply titled “The Grinch”. The vintage 1966 made for tv special may also be used. We did not consider the live action version titled “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” starting Jim Carrey released in 2000. Regardless of the choice of film please ensure that your church has the appropriate licenses to show movies publicly. If you are unsure, check with your church administrator.
Devotional Overview
During the course of the movie we are told that the Grinch hated Christmas and we watch as he tries to destroy it. We are told that his heart is not right and watch his rude and hateful attitude inflicted on the Whos. However, eventually his heart grows and he is able to see the error in his ways. During our devotion time after the movie we will discuss a man with a very similar story in the Bible. As you may recall, Saul/Paul did not like Christians and was trying to destroy them. God met Saul/Paul and changed his heart. A devotional script is provided below.
Setting the Stage
Every church building is different and has its own unique challenges. However, here are a few decorating ideas that can be implemented wherever you choose to host this event. We have provided a few graphics you can print out and use at your event
- Any and all Christmas decorations will be great. Whoville is covered in traditional Christmas decor!
- In the town center in Whoville there is a Christmas tree that the people help decorate. Consider having an empty Christmas tree displayed in a prominent location, especially if you choose to make ornaments as part of your event.
- Consider using lime green instead of Christmas green colors for items such as table cloths, napkins, plates, centerpieces, balloons, etc. This will help give the event a more Grinchy feel.
- Use “Grinched Font” for any print materials you intend to use at the event. This font can be found by searching for “grinch font” in google. We used “Grinched 2.0” from
- Play Christmas music quietly in the background. For an even more Grinch-like atmosphere consider purchasing the soundtrack from the film. Please note that a special license may be required to play the music as well.
- Consider naming the refreshment areas
- Who Foods – Breakfast Bar
- Cindy’s Cookies – Desserts

This guide centers around breakfast foods but does not necessarily need to be done in the morning. Always consider allergies and provide documentation of any unique ingredients such as nuts, fruits, and dairy products if you add them. This is designed to be a family event and in theory, the parents should be there monitoring their children. However, if these ingredients are out of the norm, parents need to know.
- Who Hash – Hash browns
- Roast Beast – Sausage and or bacon
- Who Cakes – Pancakes
- Grinch Cakes – Pancakes with green food coloring
- Grinch Roast or Max Roast – Coffee
- Who Juice – Orange Juice, Milk, Apple Juice, Water
Please note that this guide uses simple foods with Grinchy names. There is a lot of ideas for more unique food and beverage items that can be found on websites such as Pinterest.
Craft Stations
Every church is different and has different budgets and supplies. Keep in mind that your craft does not necessarily have to grinch focused. “The Grinch” is a Christmas movie after all, therefore any Christmas craft will work! Here are a few ideas!
Grinch Craft
- Color your own Headbands! How cute are these! They can be found here!

- The Spruce Crafts has some great ideas as well! Check it out!
Christmas Craft

- Check out this fun Christmas tree craft!
- Here is a list of some cool Christmas crafts using craft sticks!
- If you are decorating the tree as part of your event, here is a fun and easy ornament craft!
Now that our stage is set it is time for the most important item in our guide. There are a few ways to connect the movie to our spiritual lives and below is our suggestion. Feel free to use a different devotional if you have one or want to take the evening in a different direction. This devotional is designed to be told after the movie has been shown in its entirety. Our story will be about the conversion of Saul/Paul in Acts 9:1-32.
The following devotional script can be used as is or as an example for your devotion leader.
Hey Boys and Girls, I just love that movie, don’t you!?! My name is _________________ and I would like to take just a minute to point out a few things. That grinch was pretty grouchy and mean for most of the movie. What if I told you guys that there is a story in the Bible about a guy who had an experience similar to the Grinch in this movie? Let’s think back to different scenes in the movie as we discuss this story.
Remember early on in the movie, the Grinch did not like the Whos. In fact he didn’t want to go into town and even gave his dog permission to bite any Who that talked to them. Well, Acts chapter 9 tells us of a man named Saul. Saul did not like anyone who taught about Jesus or claimed to be a Christian. He hated them so much he wanted to put them all in jail so he went to the religious leaders at the time and asked them permission to travel to a city called Damascus and arrest anyone who claimed to be a follower of Christ. And you know what…the leaders agreed! That sounds pretty grinchy to me.
Let’s fast forward almost to the end of the movie. Remember when the Grinch steals all the presents, trees, and decorations? He has them all on his sleigh and is at the top of the mountain getting ready to dump it! He is only one shove away from the whole thing going over the cliff! He prepares for his final push when he hears singing from the village below. Saul was in a similar situation. He had made all the preparations to arrest anyone who belonged to Christ and was actually on the road to the town when he was stopped by a bright light and a loud voice. Just like the Grinch heard the voice of the Whos, the ones he was trying to do bad things to, this voice that Saul heard was from Jesus, the one he was trying to do bad things to! Jesus told Saul to go into the city but instead of arresting anyone, He told him to wait for further instructions. Saul got up but could not see anything and had to led into the city by others.
Let’s think back to the Grinch on the top of the mountain. After hearing the singing, he looks down and sees Cindy Lou Who smiling and singing. It is at this point the Grinch’s heart grows 3 times and he is changed forever. Our Bible tells us that Saul was led to a man named Ananias. God used Ananias to heal Saul and restore his sight. Saul has now been changed forever! In fact the Bible tells us that he not only stopped being mean to Christians, he actually became one and began telling others about Him! God used Saul in a mighty way, God changed his name to Paul who you might recognize! Paul wrote a majority of the New Testament!
There is one thing I would like to point out that is very important to this whole story. Think back one more time to the Grinch on the mountain. He had heard what he needed to do and saw others doing it as well. However, he had to make the decision to follow. Boys and girls, the same is true for us. We can hear about God and see others worshiping and serving Him. He wants us to join in with Him. He wants us to be part of His family and He gives us the opportunity to follow Him. But each of us must make the decision for ourselves to believe in and follow Jesus.
** Denominations differ on their approach to Salvation and if your church has a different approach insert it here, but the following is what I use in the church setting I serve in!**
So how do we do that? Well it is very simple, all we gotta do is follow the ABC’s.
A – Admit
The Bible tells us that we have all sinned…every single one of us!
Romans 3:23
“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”
The first step we must take is to admit that we have messed up. We must understand that we have sinned and express that we are sorry for those sins.
B – Believe
We must believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died for our sins.
Romans 6:23
“For the wages of sin is death…”
This is not good news for any of us! If we all have sinned we have all earned separation from God. However, the 2nd half of this verse has some better news!
“but the gift of God is eternal life”
This is great news! God has given us a gift of eternal life. He has made a way for us to get right with Him. This verse tells us that it is a gift! Think about a gift you are hoping to get this Christmas. Picture someone walking in with this gift wrapped in a box with your name on it. They set it down and say “This is for you”. Awesome right!?! But there is still one step you must take in order to receive this gift. You must accept it! You could just leave it there and walk away, but who would do that?? The same is true of God. He has given us the gift of salvation. He has already given it to us and it has our name on it, but we still have to accept it!
C – Confess and Commit
Our final step is to tell someone and invite Jesus into our lives.
Romans 10:9-10
“If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.”
If you are ready to make this step or have any questions about anything we have talked about please come talk to me or another leader or your parents who would love to help you.
*Have leaders ready to talk with kids if needed!*
Thank you guys so much for coming to our Grinchfast. Let’s pray.

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