Fire and Ice is a freeze tag type game where only designated players can unfreeze any frozen players.
To not be frozen
Blue or purple colored balls to indicate the "freezers"
Red or orange colored balls to indicate the "un-freezers"
Mark a playing area for the kids to stay within during this game. Choose one player to be the freezer, they will get the blue colored ball. Choose another player to be the un-freezer, they will get the orange or red colored ball.
Scatter players across the playing area. When the game begins the freezer (blue colored ball) must try to freeze other players by tagging them with the ball. They may not at any time throw the ball at players, but must instead use it as a tagging instrument.
Once a player is frozen, they can only be unfrozen by the player with the red colored ball. The same rule applies to the unfreezer, they may not throw the ball at any time.
As the game progresses add another freezer by giving an additional player a blue colored ball. It is up to you to decide if you want to add additional unfreezers (by adding more red colored balls) or have more freezers than unfreezers.
The players with the blue colored ball can not tag any player with a red colored ball.